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PDF - Best of Brainwaves Volume One: The Fountain of Stuff

PDF - Best of Brainwaves Volume One: The Fountain of Stuff

Regular price $10.00 USD
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A downloadable PDF of 420 cartoons so you will be sure to have ridiculousness handy wherever you might go. Load it into your favorite e-reader if you like.

A long running single-panel feature about the absurdity of everyday life, "Brainwaves" has been seen in syndication, in a movie with The Rock, at the Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory, and in countless books, magazines, presentations, websites, bulletin boards, and refrigerator doors. Volume one is the first 420 cartoons, in the order drawn.

"Betsy's cartoons pull you in with sweetness and then punch you in the gut with some deep, deep universal meaning type poop. -Mike Monteiro, elf

"Betsy Streeter is a true original - no one combines words, drawings, and extra-crunchy peanut butter like her." -RStevens, marital euphemism

"They're so funny, even when you're sad they can make you laugh!" - Calvin, 10-year-old writer

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